The Memphis Grid Memphis

Political Roundup: Gov. Kristi Noem heads to Memphis, xAI and more

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem is coming for the GOP’s Lincoln Day Gala. She was booked when it looked like she might be Donald Trump’s running mate. Shelby County Republican Party Chairman Cary Vaughn had hoped former President Donald Trump would pick South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem as his running mate for the party's annual Lincoln Day Gala. However, Noem's position in the race changed significantly after a disastrous book launch and false claims about meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jung Un. Noem is not among the eight potential VP picks, but may be chosen beyond that. The event is major sponsor by state Sen. Brent Taylor, who is also a major sponsor.

Political Roundup: Gov. Kristi Noem heads to Memphis, xAI and more

Diterbitkan : 3 minggu yang lalu oleh Bill Dries di dalam Politics

Shelby County Republican Party Chairman Cary Vaughn wanted former President Donald Trump’s running mate for the Memphis-area party’s annual Lincoln Day Gala.

So he put off the party’s largest annual fundraising event until June 23 in hopes Trump would have picked his vice-presidential choice by then.

And he as well as others thought there was a good chance Trump would pick South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem.

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So that’s who the local GOP leaders booked for Lincoln Day.

But between the move to book Noem in April and the announcement this month, Noem’s position in the race to be Trump’s running mate changed considerably.

Politico reported in May Noem was all but off the list and what finished her prospects was a disastrous book launch. Noem wrote about killing a hunting dog and made a false claim in the same book that she met with North Korean leader Kim Jung Un.

Axios reported this month Trump’s advisers have requested financial and other documents from eight potential VP picks, and Noem is not one of the eight. Although, Axios also said Trump may go beyond the eight.

Noem has equal billing with state Sen. Brent Taylor, R-Eads, who is the major sponsor of the event again this year.

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